The Koc University Summer Research Program (KUSRP) at the KUIS AI  consists of 3 parts:  High  School Research, Undergraduate Research and Graduate Internships.   The Undergraduate  Program is for motivated undergraduates from different universities who want to improve their research skills and plan to attend graduate school. The program offers the undergraduates the  opportunity to  gain  research  experience  that  helps them  decide if  they  want to pursue graduate  education or professional research career. The High  School Program helps students experience a university environment, gather information on the undergraduate area they would like to study, and learn how to conduct an  academic  research. This  program  is for motivated high  school  students, who would  like to study in  universities  which prioritize  academic research, and develop their research skills. The Graduate Internship program is for graduate students who would like to participate in research at Koc University for the summer.


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