Feb 22, 2022
Damla Övek & Zeynep Abalı, Koç University
Proteins interact through their interfaces to fulfill essential functions in the cell. They bind to their partners in a highly specific manner and form complexes that have a profound effect on understanding the biological pathways they are involved in. Any abnormal interactions may cause diseases. As experimental data accumulates, artificial intelligence (AI) begins to be used and recent groundbreaking applications of AI profoundly impact the structural biology field. In this talk, we will discuss the deep learning methods applied for the prediction of protein-protein interactions and their interfaces.
Feb 15, 2022
Alper Erdoğan, Koç University
We introduce Polytopic Matrix Factorization (PMF) as a flexible unsupervised data decomposition approach. In this new framework, we model input data as unknown linear transformations of some latent vectors drawn from a polytope. The choice of polytope reflects the presumed features of the latent components and their mutual relationships. As the factorization criterion, we propose the determinant maximization (Det-Max) for the sample autocorrelation matrix of the latent vectors. We introduce a sufficient condition for identifiability, which requires that the convex hull of the latent vectors contains the maximum volume inscribed ellipsoid of the polytope with a particular tightness constraint. Based on the Det-Max criterion and the proposed identifiability condition, we show that all polytopes that satisfy a particular symmetry restriction qualify for the PMF framework. Having infinitely many polytope choices provides a form of flexibility in characterizing latent vectors. In particular, it is possible to define latent vectors with heterogeneous features, enabling the assignment of attributes such as nonnegativity and sparsity at the subvector level. We also propose an information-theoretic perspective for the determinant maximization-based matrix factorization frameworks. As further extensions, we will discuss the normative construction of neural networks based on local update rules.
Feb 10, 2022
Leyla Keser, İstanbul Bilgi University
The key elements of the CoE AI Convention, which will be the first Convention on AI in the world, have been prepared by an ad-hoc committee called CAHAI, which was established in 2019. CAHAI completed its mission with its last meeting on November 30-December 2, 2021, leaving behind a text detailing with the key elements that the binding international AI convention will come into force. In this event, this text prepared by CAHAI will be discussed with the participants explaining key elements regarding the entire lifecycle of AI.
Feb 8, 2022
Hooman Hedayati, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
This work aims to improve human-robot conversational groups, in which a robot is situated in an F-formation with humans. With a naive look, each robot consists of input devices e.g., sensors, cameras, etc. logic and decision-making blocks e.g., face detection algorithm, NLP, etc., and output devices e.g., actuators and speakers, etc. These components connect serially. Each component is prone to errors; therefore, each error feeds into the next component and decreases the overall efficiency of the system. For example, if the camera cannot see a person because of being obstructed by an object, then the human detection algorithm cannot detect that person and then the robot won’t consider that person in the interaction. These types of errors decrease the efficiency of the system and also negatively impact human-robot interaction. In this work, we propose four systems that aim to help understand human-robot conversational groups better, reason about them, find the mentioned errors and overcome them. First, we look at the difference between human-human conversational groups and human-robot conversation groups. Second, we propose an algorithm to detect conversational groups (F-formations). Third, we look at how to detect missing people in the conversational groups and validate human-detection algorithms. Last, we propose an algorithm to detect the active speaker based on visual cues and help robots behave normally in conversational groups.
Jan 26, 2022
Weights & Biases
We had our very first tutorial talk!
Weights & Biases introduced their platform to monitor training of neural network models.
Jan 12, 2022
Raffaella Bernardi, University of Trento
Visual Dialogues are an intriguing challenge for the Computer Vision and Computational Linguistics communities. They involve both understanding multimodal inputs as well as generating visually grounded questions. We take the GuessWhat?! game as test-bed since it has a simple dialogue structure — Yes-No question answer asymmetric exchanges. We wonder to which extent State-Of-The-Art models take the answers into account and in particular whether they handle positively/negatively answered questions equally well. Moreover, the task is goal oriented: the questioner has to guess the target object in an image. As such it is well suited to study dialogue strategies. SOTA systems are shown to generate questions that, although grammatically correct, often lack an effective strategy and sound unnatural to humans. Inspired by the cognitive literature on information search and cross-situational word learning, we propose Confirm-it, a model based on a beam search re-ranking algorithm that guides an effective goal-oriented strategy by asking questions that confirm the model’s conjecture about the referent. We show that dialogues generated by Confirm-it are more natural and effective than beam search decoding without re-ranking. The work is based on the following publications: Alberto Testoni, Claudio Greco and Raffaella Bernardi Artificial Intelligence models do not ground negation, humans do. GuessWhat?! dialogues as a case study Front.ers in Big Data doi: 10.3389/fdata.2021.736709 Alberto Testoni, Raffaella Bernardi “Looking for Confirmations: An Effective and Human-Like Visual Dialogue Strategy”. In Proceedings of EMNLP 2021 (Short paper).
Jan 5, 2022
Ayşegül Dündar, Bilkent University
With GAN based models achieving realistic image synthesis on various objects, there has been an increased interest to deploy them for gaming, robotics, architectural designs, and AR/VR applications. However, such applications also require full controllability on the synthesis. To enable controllability, image synthesis has been conditioned on various inputs such as semantic maps, keypoints, and edges to name a few. With these methods, control and manipulation over generated images are still limited. In a new line of research, methods are proposed to learn 3D attributes from images for precise control on the rendering. In this talk, I will cover a range of image synthesis works, starting with conditional image synthesis and continue with 3D attributes learning from single view images for the aim of image synthesis.
Dec 29, 2021
Ayça Atabey, Bilgi IT Law and UN Women
Value sensitive design (VSD) in Human-Computer Interaction is an established method for integrating values into technical design. Design of AI-driven technologies for vulnerable data subjects requires a particular attention to values such as transparency, fairness, and accountability. To achieve this, there is a need for an interdisciplinary look to the fairness principle in data protection law to bridge the gap between what the law requires and what happens in practice. This talk explores the interdisciplinary approach to Fairness in AI-driven Assistive Technologies through mapping VSD onto Data Protection rules.
Dec 15, 2021
Sıla Kurugol, Harvard Medical School
The talk will focus on the use of medical imaging, computational and deep learning techniques for the discovery and quantification of clinically useful information from 3D and 4D medical images. The talk will describe how computational techniques or deep learning methods can be used for the reconstruction of MR images from undersampled (limited) data for accelerated MR imaging, motion-compensated imaging and robust quantitative parameter estimation and image analysis. It will also show the clinical utility of these proposed techniques for the interpretation of medical images and extraction of important clinical markers in applications such as functional imaging of kidneys and Crohn’s disease.
Dec 1, 2021
Jan-Philipp Fränken, University of Edinburgh
We investigate the idea that human concept inference utilizes local incremental search within a compositional mental theory space. To explore this, we study judgments in a challenging task, where participants actively gather evidence about a symbolic rule governing the behavior of a simulated environment. Participants construct mini-experiments before making generalizations and explicit guesses about the hidden rule. They then collect additional evidence themselves (Experiment 1) or observe evidence gathered by someone else (Experiment 2) before revising their own generalizations and guesses. In each case, we focus on the relationship between participants’ initial and revised guesses about the hidden rule concept. We find an order effect whereby revised guesses are anchored to idiosyncratic elements of the earlier guesses. To explain this pattern, we develop a family of process accounts that combine program induction ideas with local (MCMC-like) adaptation mechanisms. A particularly local variant of this adaptive account captures participants’ revisions better than a range of alternatives. We take this as suggestive that people deal with the inherent complexity of concept inference partly through use of local adaptive search in a latent compositional theory space.
Nov 22, 2021
Erdem Bıyık, Stanford University
In human-robot interaction or more generally multi-agent systems, we often have decentralized agents that need to perform a task together. In such settings, it is crucial to have the ability to anticipate the actions of other agents. Without this ability, the agents are often doomed to perform very poorly. Humans are usually good at this, and it is mostly because we can have good estimates of what other agents are trying to do. We want to give such an ability to robots through reward learning and partner modeling. In this talk, I am going to talk about active learning approaches to this problem and how we can leverage preference data to learn objectives. I am going to show how preferences can help reward learning in the settings where demonstration data may fail, and how partner-modeling enables decentralized agents to cooperate efficiently.
Nov 3, 2021
Zaid Rassim Mohammed Al-Saadi, Koç Univesity
Haptics provides a natural and intuitive channel of communication during the interaction of two humans in complex physical tasks, such as joint object transportation. However, despite the utmost importance of touch in physical interactions, the use of haptics is under-represented when developing intelligent systems. This study explores the prominence of haptic data to extract information about underlying interaction patterns within physical human-human interaction (pHHI). We work on a joint object transportation scenario involving two human partners, and show that haptic features, based on force/torque information, suffice to identify human interactive behavior patterns. We categorize the interaction into four discrete behavior classes. These classes describe whether the partners work in harmony or face conflicts while jointly transporting an object through translational or rotational movements. In an experimental study, we collect data from 12 human dyads and verify the salience of haptic features by achieving a correct classification rate over 91% using a Random Forest classifier.
Oct 26, 2021
Laura Leal-Taixé from Technical University of Munich
The challenging task of multi-object tracking (MOT) requires simultaneous reasoning about track initialization, identity, and spatiotemporal trajectories. This problem has been traditionally addressed with the tracking-dy-detection paradigm. In this talk, I will discuss more recent paradigms, most notably, tracking-by-regression, and the rise of a new paradigm: tracking-by-attention. In this new paradigm, we formulate MOT as a frame-to-frame set prediction problem and introduce TrackFormer, an end-to-end MOT approach based on an encoder-decoder Transformer architecture. Our model achieves data association between frames via attention by evolving a set of track predictions through a video sequence. The Transformer decoder initializes new tracks from static object queries and autoregressively follows existing tracks in space and time with the new concept of identity preserving track queries. Both decoder query types benefit from self- and encoder-decoder attention on global frame-level features, thereby omitting any additional graph optimization and matching or modeling of motion and appearance. At the end of the talk, I also want to discuss some of our work in collecting data for tracking with data privacy in mind.
Oct 21, 2021
Mustafa Ümit Öner from National University of Singapore
Histopathology is the golden standard in the clinic for cancer diagnosis and treatment planning. Recently, slide scanners have transformed histopathology into digital, where glass slides are digitized and stored as whole-slide-images (WSIs). WSIs provide us with precious data that powerful deep learning models can exploit. However, a WSI is a huge gigapixel image that traditional deep learning models cannot process. Besides, deep learning models require a lot of labeled data. Nevertheless, most WSIs are either unannotated or annotated with some weak labels indicating slide-level properties, like a tumor slide or a normal slide. This seminar will discuss our novel deep learning models tackling huge images and exploiting weak labels to reveal fine-level information within the images. Firstly, we developed a weakly supervised clustering framework. Given only the weak labels of whether an image contains metastases or not, this framework successfully segmented out breast cancer metastases in the lymph node sections. Secondly, we developed a deep learning model predicting tumor purity (percentage of cancer cells within a tissue section) from digital histopathology slides. Our model successfully predicted tumor purity in eight different TCGA cohorts and a local Singapore cohort. The predictions were highly consistent with genomic tumor purity values, which were inferred from genomic data and accepted as accurate for downstream analysis. Furthermore, our model provided tumor purity maps showing the spatial variation of tumor purity within sections, which can help better understand the tumor microenvironment.
Oct 20, 2021
Barret Zoph from Google Brain
In deep learning, models typically reuse the same parameters for all inputs. Mixture of Experts (MoE) models defy this and instead select different parameters for each incoming example. The result is a sparsely-activated model – with an outrageous number of parameters – but a constant computational cost. However, despite several notable successes of MoE, widespread adoption has been hindered by complexity, communication costs, and training instability. We address these with the Switch Transformer. We simplify the MoE routing algorithm and design intuitive improved models with reduced communication and computational costs. Our proposed training techniques mitigate the instabilities, and we show large sparse models may be trained, for the first time, with lower precision formats. We design models based off T5-Base and T5-Large (Raffel et al., 2019) to obtain up to 7x increases in pre-training speed with the same computational resources. These improvements extend into multilingual settings where we measure gains over the mT5-Base version across all 101 languages. Finally, we advance the current scale of language models by pre-training up to trillion parameter models on the “Colossal Clean Crawled Corpus”, and achieve a 4x speedup over the T5-XXL model.
Oct 12, 2021
Fatih Dinç, Stanford University
The talk is structured in two parts. The first part focuses on the developments in recurrent neural network training algorithms over the years. We first identify the types of recurrent neural networks currently used in neuroscience research based on the training properties and target function. Here, we will discuss the seminal work by Sompolinsky and Crisanti from 1988 regarding chaos in random neural networks, the reservoir computing paradigm, back-propagation through time, and neural activation (not output) based training algorithms. In the second part, we will go through a selection of papers from neuroscience literature using these methods to uncover the neural circuitry in the brain. As machine learning and neuroscience literature have always inspired progress in each other, there is a high chance that some of these biological findings might have direct relevance in artificial neural network research. We will conclude with some candidate ideas.
Oct 6, 2021
Ali Hürriyetoğlu, Koç University
Spatio-temporal distribution of socio-political events sheds light on the causes and effects of government policies and political discourses that resonate in society. Socio-political event data is utilized for national and international policy- and decision-making. Therefore, the reliability and validity of these datasets are of utmost importance. I will present a summary of my studies that examine common assumptions made during creating socio-political event databases such as GDELT and ICEWS. The assumptions I tackled have been 1) keyword filtering is an essential step for determining the documents that should be analyzed further, 2) a news report contains information about a single event, 3) sentences that are self-contained in terms of event information coverage are the majority, and 4) automated tool performance on new data is comparable to the performance on the validation setting. Moreover, I will present how my work brought the computer science and socio-political science communities together to quantify state-of-the-art automated tool performances on event information collection in cross-context and multilingual settings in the context of a shared task and workshop series, which are ProtestNews Lab @ CLEF 2019, COPE @ Euro CSS 2019, AESPEN @ LREC 2020, and CASE @ ACL 2021, I initiated.
Sep 28, 2021
Abdul Basit Anees and Ahmet Canberk Baykal, KUIS AI MSc Fellows
Recent GAN models are capable of generating very high-quality images. Then, a very important follow-up problem is, how to control these generated images. A careful analysis of the latent space of GANs suggests that this control can be achieved by manipulating the latent codes in a desired direction. In this talk, we will be presenting our model that is capable of modifying images in such a way that they have some desired attributes corresponding to any text description. For this purpose, we use the idea of GAN inversion. Our model makes use of two encoders to invert the images along with their textual descriptions to the latent space of a pre-trained StyleGAN model. Additionally, we utilize OpenAI’s Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP) model to enforce the latent codes to be aligned with the desired textual descriptions. The inverted latent codes are fed to the StyleGAN generator to obtain the manipulated images. We conducted experiments on face datasets and compared our results with the related work.
Sep 21, 2021
Cagatay Yildiz, Aalto University, Finland
Model-based reinforcement learning (MBRL) approaches rely on discrete-time state transition models whereas physical systems and the vast majority of control tasks operate in continuous-time. Such discrete-time approximations typically lead to inaccurate dynamic models, which in turn deteriorate the control learning task. In this talk, I will describe an alternative continuous-time MBRL framework for RL. Our approach infers the unknown state evolution differentials with Bayesian neural ordinary differential equations (ODE) to account for epistemic uncertainty. We also propose a novel continuous-time actor-critic algorithm for policy learning. Our experiments illustrate that the model is robust against irregular and noisy data, is sample-efficient, and can solve control problems which pose challenges to discrete-time MBRL methods.
Sep 14, 2021
Deqing Sun, Google Research
Optical flow provides important motion information about the dynamic world and is of fundamental importance to many tasks. In this talk, I will discuss two different aspects of learning optical flow: model and data. I will start with the background and classical approach to optical flow. Next, I will talk about PWC-Net, a compact and effective model built using classical principles for optical flow. Finally, I will introduce AutoFlow, a simple and effective method to render training data for optical flow that optimizes the performance of a model on a target dataset.
Sep 7, 2021
Jordi Pont-Tuset, Google Research
Localized Narratives are a new form of multimodal image annotations connecting vision and language: annotators describe an image with their voice while simultaneously hovering their mouse over the region they are describing. Since the voice and the mouse pointer are synchronized, we can localize every single word in the description. Based on and inspired by this data, we first designed a new image retrieval modality by “speaking and pointing”, which comes naturally to humans and we show it works very well in practice. Second, we robustly matched the noun phrases in the captions to the panoptic categories in COCO to provide a dense pixel grounding. With this new data, we propose the new task of Panoptic Narrative Grounding and present a very solid baseline that, given an image caption, outputs a segmentation that grounds all their nouns.
August 17, 2021
Tunca Doğan, Hacettepe University
The recent availability of inexpensive technologies led to a surge of biological/biomedical data production and accumulation in public servers. These noisy, complex and large-scale data should be analyzed in order to understand mechanisms that constitute life and to develop new and effective treatments against prevalent dieases. A key concept in this endeavour is the prediction of unknown attributes and properties of biomolecules (i.e., genes, proteins and RNAs) such as their molecular functions, physical interactions and etc., together with their relationships to high-level biomedical concepts such as systems and diseases. Lately, cutting-edge data-driven approaches are started to be applied to biological data to aid the development of novel and effective in silico solutions. In this seminar, I’ll summarize our efforts for integrating and representing heterogeneous data from different biological/biomedical data resources (i.e., the CROssBAR project) together with the development and application of deep learning-based computational methods for enriching the integrated data by predicting unknown functions and drug discovery centric ligand interactions of human genes and proteins. These tools and services are developed with the aim of helping researchers from diverse fields of the life-sciences domain in building and pre-evaluating their hypothesis, before planning and executing costly and risky experimental/clinical studies.
August 10, 2021
Ahsan Ali, Argonne National Lab, USA
Machine-Learning-as-a-Service (MLaaS) aims to support the optimized execution of machine learning (ML) tasks on cloud infrastructure. Existing MLaaS systems are mainly built atop conventional VM- based architectures and suffer from slow scaling, are cost-inefficient, and require extensive domain expertise to optimize the training deployment and execution. Moreover, ML training tasks often have varying resource demands across different training phases, which adds to the complexity. To address these challenges, we propose SMLT, an automated, scalable, and adaptive framework to perform ML design and training on cloud infrastructure. By embracing the emerging serverless computing paradigm, SMLT provides flexibility and cost-efficiency. By employing a hierarchical model synchronization mechanism, SMLT addresses the challenge of poor inter-connections between serverless functions. In addition, we design an automated and adaptive scheduling mechanism to dynamically optimize the deployment and resource scaling for ML tasks during training. SMLT supports all major ML frameworks and is open-sourced. The experimental evaluation with large, sophisticated modern ML models demonstrates that SMLT outperforms the state-of-the-art MLaaS systems and existing serverless ML training frameworks in both performances (up to 8x) and monetary cost (up to 2x).
July 29, 2021
Berkay Köprü, Koc University
Increasing volume of user-generated human-centric video content and their applications, such as video retrieval and browsing, require compact representations that are addressed by the video summarization literature. Current supervised studies formulate video summarization as a sequence-to-sequence learning problem and the existing solutions often neglect the surge of human-centric view, which inherently contains affective content. In this study, we investigate the affective-information enriched supervised video summarization task for human-centric videos. First, we train a visual input-driven state-of-the-art continuous emotion recognition model (CER-NET) on the RECOLA dataset to estimate emotional attributes. Then, we integrate the estimated emotional attributes and the high-level representations from the CER-NET with the visual information to define the proposed affective video summarization architectures (AVSUM). In addition, we investigate the use of attention to improve the AVSUM architectures and propose two new architectures based on temporal attention (TA-AVSUM) and spatial attention (SA-AVSUM). We conduct video summarization experiments on the TvSum database. The proposed AVSUM-GRU architecture with an early fusion of high level GRU embeddings and the temporal attention based TA-AVSUM architecture attain competitive video summarization performances by bringing strong performance improvements for the human-centric videos compared to the state-of-the-art in terms of F-score and self-defined face recall metrics.
July 27, 2021
Yonatan Bisk, Carnegie Mellon University
This talk focuses on an overview of our recent environments and benchmarks: ALFRED and ALFWorld for instruction following in embodied and abstract action spaces. The goal is to help move the community towards building agents that connect language to action and understand abstract plans. As we move towards systems which interact with the world, we also need to think about how they interact with other agents. I close with a discussion of our recent ICML paper on Theory-of-Mind agents.
July 13, 2021
Marjan Firouznia, Amirkabir University
Biomedical image segmentation is an important tool for current clinical applications and basic research. The manual segmentation of medical images is a time-consuming, labor-intensive, and error-prone process. In Artificial Intelligence (AI), approaches inspired by mathematical models such as probability distribution mixture models and optimization theory have been employed to handle some main challenges in these areas. In this project we will propose new image segmentation methods for biomedical image analysis using deep learning models and fractal maps from CT scans. We will improve traditional image segmentation in 3D and deep learning models for CT/MRI scans. Also, we will apply the fractal features and Poincare maps to propose a new deep learning model for 3D segmentation using rich information of regions and voxels. The fractal analysis is used to represent shape and texture-based features to separate region interest from it surrounding. Then, we will apply Poincare maps to model the changes of boundaries to achieve a robust segmentation with high anatomical variations. Also, a novel machine learning (ML) method using a deep learning approach will be introduced for semantic segmentation of vessels, nodules, and myocardial walls using fractal maps. Multi-task fully convolutional networks (FCNs) will be constructed to improve the accuracy of semantic segmentation. These FCNs will learn the main task of semantic segmentation together with the auxiliary tasks of estimating the fractal maps.
July 6, 2021
Mustafa Akın Yılmaz, Koç University
Conventional video compression methods employ a linear transform and block motion model, and the steps of motion estimation, mode and quantization parameter selection, and entropy coding are optimized individually due to the combinatorial nature of the end-to-end optimization problem. Learned video compression allows end-to-end rate-distortion optimized training of all nonlinear modules, quantization parameter and entropy model simultaneously. Most of the works on learned video compression considered training a sequential video codec based on end-to-end optimization of cost averaged over pairs of successive frames. It is well-known in conventional video compression that hierarchical, bi-directional coding outperforms sequential compression because of its ability to selectively use reference frames from both future and past. To this effect, a hierarchical bi-directional learned lossy video compression system is presented in this thesis. Experimental results show that the rate-distortion performance of the proposed framework outperforms both traditional and other learned codecs in the literature yielding state-of-the art results.
Jun 22, 2021
Atil Iscen, Google Brain Robotics
Designing agile locomotion controllers for quadruped robots often requires extensive expertise and tedious manual tuning. Reinforcement Learning has shown success in solving many difficult control problems, and has potential to help with learning locomotion for physical robots. In this talk, I’ll present different methods we developed to tackle the locomotion problem using learning: Embedding prior knowledge, sim-to-real transfer, model-based reinforcement learning, hierarchical reinforcement learning, multi-task learning and using a mentor for harder tasks.
Jun 15, 2021
Jure Žbontar, Facebook AI Research
Jun 8, 2021
Fatma Güney, KUIS AI, Koç University
In this talk, I’ll talk about what we’ve been working on with Sadra and Kaan* in the last one and a half years in my group**. I’ll start by introducing the view synthesis approach to unsupervised monocular depth and ego-motion estimation by Zhou et al. [1]. I’ll point to its limitation with dynamic objects due to static background assumption and mention a few related works addressing it by conditioning on a given segmentation map. Then, I’ll introduce our approach to jointly reason about segmentation and depth without any conditioning. In the second part, I’ll introduce the stochastic video prediction framework proposed by Denton et al. [2] and show how we extend it to motion space with “SLAMP: Stochastic Latent Appearance and Motion Prediction”. Finally, I’ll talk about how structure and motion from the first part can help stochastic video prediction from the second part in real-world driving scenarios. [1] T. Zhou, M. Brown, N. Snavely, and D. G. Lowe. Unsupervised learning of depth and ego-motion from video. In Proc. IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2017. [2] E. Denton and R. Fergus. Stochastic video generation with a learned prior. In Proc. of the International Conf. on Machine learning (ICML), 2018. *Also in collaboration with Aykut Erdem and Erkut Erdem. **Work under submission, please do not share.
Jun 1, 2021
Ömer Güneş, University of Oxford
May 18, 2021
Cengiz Öztireli from Google Research, University of Cambridge
Creating digital models of reality is one of the grand challenges of computer science. In this talk, I will summarize some of our efforts towards achieving this goal to allow machines to perceive the world as well as and beyond humans. The focus will be on capturing and replicating the visual world and techniques at the intersection of computer graphics, vision, and machine learning to solve several fundamental problems and their practical applications.
May 11, 2021
Sinan Öncü, Smart and Autonomous Mobility Research Laboratory, Boğaziçi University.
This talk will be on past and currently ongoing research projects of Sinan Öncü on various autonomous mobile vehicle platforms ranging from warehouse robots to heavy duty trucks. Example applications within the field of automotive and robotics will be presented on the following automated vehicle platforms: Part 1: – Autonomous Parallel Parking of a Car-Like Mobile Robot, – Yaw Stability Control of a Car with Active Steering, – A Man-portable Rover Operating on Rough Terrains, – Cooperative Automated Maneuvering Vehicles, – EcoTwin: Truck Platooning on Highways, – Clara: A Warehouse Robot with Robust Multi-Sensor Localization, – Wasteshark: An Aqua-Drone for Cleaning Plastic Waste from the Harbors and Rivers. Part 2: [UTOPIA] Automated Open Precision Farming Platform The [UTOPIA] consortium, aims to develop an open access infrastructure in which relevant precision agriculture data can be collected from the field to be stored in the cloud and accessed through multiple stake-holders in the agri-food industry. In [UTOPIA], agricultural tasks and crop monitoring strategies can be easily set by the user, and the drones/USV’s/AGV’s are then automatically deployed to perform the mission(s) cooperatively. This technology will enable farmers to adopt smart precision farming technologies for improving yield and quality.
May 4, 2021
Cansu Korkmaz, KUIS AI Fellow
When an image processing model is trained for a given task on a training set, the performance of the model varies noticeably over the test set from image to image depending on how well the image patterns in the training set matches to those in the test set. Hence, image priors learned by a single generic model cannot generalize well enough for different classes of images. In this talk, I will briefly explain the effect of training multiple deep super-resolution (SR) models for different classes of images to exploit class-specific image priors. Then, I will present our proposed multiple-model SR (MMSR) approach which is a post-processing network that learns how to best fuse the outputs of these class-specific multiple SR models. Afterwards, I will interpret our experimental results which demonstrate that the proposed approach with a set of pre-trained models and a generic fusion model significantly outperforms a single pre-trained EDSR model both quantitatively and visually. It even exceeds the performance of the best single class-specific EDSR model trained on heterogenous images.
April 27, 2021
Emre Ünal, KUIS AI Fellow
In this presentation, I will talk about my ongoing work on video understanding. I will present a recent model that I have been working on for the action recognition problem. The model is fully attention-based and does not use any conventional neural architectures such as RNNs or CNNs. It uses multi-layer attention blocks for the task. I will talk about the implementation details and early experiment results on the popular human activity recognition dataset Charades.
April 13, 2021
Gedas Bertasius, Facebook AI
Many modern computer vision applications require the ability to understand video content. In this talk, I will present a series of methods that we design for this purpose. First, I will introduce MaskProp, a unifying approach for classifying, segmenting and tracking object instances in the video. It achieves the best-reported accuracy on the YouTube-VIS dataset, outperforming the closest competitor despite being trained on 1000x fewer images and 10x fewer bounding boxes. Afterwards, I will present COBE, a new large-scale framework for learning contextualized object representations in settings involving human-object interactions. Our approach exploits automatically-transcribed speech narrations from instructional YouTube videos, and it does not require manual annotations. Lastly, I will introduce TimeSformer, the first convolution-free architecture for video modeling built exclusively with self-attention. It achieves the best reported numbers on major action recognition benchmarks, and it is also more efficient than the state-of-the-art 3D CNNs.
Autonomous robots are envisioned to be ubiquitous in our daily lives. Such robots are expected to make sequential decisions, plan their motions, and control their movements to realize their expected goals. This remarkable skill set requires a new research direction where perception, discrete decision-making, motion planning, control, and learning methods are considered jointly to provide autonomy to the agent while physically interacting with the world. In this talk, I will present our initial steps toward tackling this goal. In particular, I will cover three lines of research: (i) explainable and effective representations directly from visual perception data, (ii) task decompositions and robust motion planning algorithms for long-horizon tasks, and (iii) (safe) learning for control of autonomous robots in the real-world.
March 9, 2021
Ece Takmaz, Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC), University of Amsterdam (UvA)
Click here for slides.
March 2, 2021
Prof. Gülşen Eryiğit and Berke Oral, ITU Natural Language Processing Research Group
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Abstract Document types, where visual and textual information plays an important role in their analysis and understanding, pose a new and attractive area for information extraction research. Although cheques, invoices, and receipts have been studied in some previous multi-modal studies, banking documents present an unexplored area due to the naturalness of the text they possess in addition to their visual richness. This article presents the first study which uses visual and textual information for deep-learning-based information extraction on text-intensive and visually rich scanned documents which are, in this instance, unstructured banking documents, or more precisely, money transfer orders. The impact of using different neural word representations (i.e., FastText, ELMo, and BERT) on IE subtasks (namely, named entity recognition and relation extraction stages), positional features of words on document images, and auxiliary learning with some other tasks are investigated. The article proposes a new relation extraction algorithm based on graph factorization to solve the complex relation extraction problem where the relations within documents are n-ary, nested, document-level, and previously indeterminate in quantity. Our experiments revealed that the use of deep learning algorithms yielded around 10 percentage points of improvement on the IE sub-tasks. The inclusion of word positional features yielded around 3 percentage points of improvement in some specific information fields. Similarly, our auxiliary learning experiments yielded around 2 percentage points of improvement on some information fields associated with the specific transaction type detected by our auxiliary task. The integration of the information extraction system into a real banking environment reduced cycle times substantially. When compared to the manual workflow, the document processing pipeline shortened book-to-book money transfers to 10 minutes (from 29 min.) and electronic fund transfers (EFT) to 17 minutes (from 41 min.) respectively.
Modern machine learning has created exciting new opportunities for the design of intelligent robots. In particular, gradient-based learning methods have tremendously While modern learning-based scene understanding systems have shown experimentally promising results in simulated scenarios, they fail in unpredictable and unintuitive ways when deployed in real-world applications. Classical systems, on the other hand, offer guarantees and bounds on performance and generalization, but often require heavy handcrafting and oversight. My research aims to deeply integrate classical and learning-based techniques to bring the best of both worlds, by building “differentiable models of the 3D world”. I will talk about two particular recent efforts along these directions. improved 3D scene understanding in terms of perception, reasoning, and action. However, these advancements have undermined many “classical” techniques developed over the last few decades. I postulate that a flexible blend of “classical” and learned methods is the most promising path to developing flexible, interpretable, and actionable models of the world: a necessity for intelligent embodied agents. 1. gradSLAM – a fully differentiable dense SLAM system that can be plugged as a “layer” into neural nets 2. gradSim – a differentiable simulator comprising a physics engine and a renderer, to enable physical parameter estimation and visuomotor control from the video.
Perceptual video processing is a challenging task, mostly due to the lack of effective measures of temporal consistency and naturalness of motion in processed videos. In this talk, we first explain the successful video restoration and super-resolution network EDVR (Enhanced Deformable Convolutional Networks), and the role of deformable convolution in its architecture. Then, we present our recent work which is an extension of EDVR for perceptual video super-resolution in two ways: i) including a texture discriminator network and adversarial texture loss in order to improve the naturalness of texture, and ii) including l2 flow loss, a flow discriminator network and adversarial flow loss to ensure motion naturalness. We observe that adding only adversarial texture loss yields more natural texture in each frame, but not necessarily a smooth natural motion. Perceptual motion improves significantly when using both l2 motion loss and adversarial texture and flow losses in addition to l2 texture loss. Finally, we discuss the perceptual performance metrics and evaluation of the results.
It has become a standard practice to use convolutional networks in image restoration and super-resolution. Although the universal approximation theorem states that a multi-layer neural network can approximate any non-linear function with the desired precision, it does not reveal the best network architecture to do so. Recently, operational neural networks that choose the best non-linearity from a set of alternatives, and their “self-organized” variants that approximate any non-linearity via Taylor series have been proposed to address the well-known limitations and drawbacks of conventional ConvNets such as network homogeneity using only the McCulloch-Pitts neuron model. In this talk, I first briefly mention the operational neural networks (ONNs) and self-organized operational neural networks (Self-ONNs). Then I introduce the concept of self-organized operational residual (SOR) blocks, and present hybrid network architectures combining regular residual and SOR blocks to strike a balance between the benefits of stronger non-linearity and the overall number of parameters. The experimental results on the super-resolution task demonstrate that the proposed architectures yield performance improvements in both PSNR and perceptual metrics.
In this talk, I will go over our recent efforts to make neural networks more reusable and adaptive. First, I will present “Towards Reusable Network Components by Learning Compatible Representations”, published at AAAI 2021. This work studies how components of different networks can be made compatible so that they can be re-assembled into new networks easily. This unlocks improvements in several different applications. Secondly, I will discuss “Continuous Adaptation for Interactive Object Segmentation by Learning from Corrections”, published at ECCV 2020. There, we show the benefits of learning from interactions of a user with an interactive segmentation model: Such a model becomes self-adaptive, which enables it to successfully transfer to new distributions and domains. Due to this, our model achieves state-of-the-art results on several datasets. Finally, I will briefly discuss other important efforts in our team, such as the OpenImages dataset and Localized Narratives.