KUIS AI is looking for talented and motivated graduate students (MSc and PhD including direct applications to PhD after BSc) to do research in all aspects of theoretical and applied Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. The Center has 16+ core faculty and 20+ affiliated faculty from multiple disciplines, including engineering, medicine, economics, management, basic and social sciences. Research areas include autonomous driving, bioinformatics, computer vision, deep learning, intelligent interaction, interpretability/
explainability, multi-media processing, natural-language processing, reinforcement learning, representation learning, robotics and more.
KUIS AI offers a fellowship with competitive benefits. For the details of the benefits, and answers to the frequently asked questions, click here.
For the upcoming application deadlines please see: https://gsse.ku.edu.tr/en/prospective-students/application-deadlines/
For more information follow these links:
– Application info: https://gsse.ku.edu.tr/en/admissions/how-to-apply/
– AI fellowships: https://ai.ku.edu.tr/ai-center-fellowships/
– Watch the “ask me anything” event: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XluL877yJNw
– Research areas: https://ai.ku.edu.tr/research/
– Faculty: https://ai.ku.edu.tr/people/ai-committee
– Graduate programs: https://ai.ku.edu.tr/education/programs/graduate-programs/