After submitting jobs, user needs to monitor jobs to check resource usage.

squeue: views information about jobs located in the Slurm scheduling queue.

squeue –u username

kuacc-queue     : Shows Jobs details on queue. It ıs detailed version of squeue command.

 kuacc-queue|grep username


(base) [yakarken18@login02 ~]$ kuacc-queue
2579092  short    bbiner21        59:29        1:00:00      2021-12-07T12:43:32  CA  1      1     it01
2579094  short    bbiner21        1:00:00      1:00:00      2021-12-07T12:45:32  CD  1      1     it01
2579090  mid        bash             igenel19        23:59:36     1-00:00:00   2021-12-07T12:41:29  CD  1      2     buyukliman
2579034  long       Il-gas           phaslak         6-22:57:38   7-00:00:00   2021-12-07T11:44:06  CD  1      4     rk01
2577763  cosmos     test             hakdemir        4-22:26:02   5-00:00:00   2021-12-07T11:10:06  CD  1      1     ke01
2577644  cosmos     test             hakdemir        4-17:55:23   5-00:00:00   2021-12-07T06:39:24  CD  1      1     ke03
2577553  cosmos     test             hakdemir        4-09:57:50   5-00:00:00   2021-12-06T22:39:30  CD  1      1     ke04
2577892  cosmos     test             hakdemir        4-05:11:55   5-00:00:00   2021-12-06T17:57:04  CD  1      1     ke08
2576427  mid        hph_D119V        sefenti19       23:59:00     23:59:00     2021-12-15T05:43:42  PD  1      8     (Resources)
2576424  mid        hph_G120V        sefenti19       23:59:00     23:59:00     2021-12-10T13:42:41  PD  1      8     (ReqNodeNotAvail, UnavailableNodes:)
2577787  cosmos     test             hakdemir        5-00:00:00   5-00:00:00   2021-12-10T11:08:13  PD  1      1     (Resources)
2577788  cosmos     test             hakdemir        5-00:00:00   5-00:00:00   2021-12-10T11:08:13  PD  1      1     (Priority)
2577789  cosmos     test             hakdemir        5-00:00:00   5-00:00:00   2021-12-10T11:08:13  PD  1      1     (Priority)
2577790  cosmos     test             hakdemir        5-00:00:00   5-00:00:00   2021-12-10T11:08:13  PD  1      1     (Priority)
2577791  cosmos     test             hakdemir        5-00:00:00   5-00:00:00   2021-12-10T11:08:13  PD  1      1     (Priority)
2577792  cosmos     test             hakdemir        5-00:00:00   5-00:00:00   2021-12-10T11:08:13  PD  1      1     (Priority)
2577793  cosmos     test             hakdemir        5-00:00:00   5-00:00:00   2021-12-10T11:08:13  PD  1      1     (Priority)
2577794  cosmos     test             hakdemir        5-00:00:00   5-00:00:00   2021-12-10T11:08:13  PD  1      1     (Priority)
2577795  cosmos     test             hakdemir        5-00:00:00   5-00:00:00   2021-12-10T11:08:13  PD  1      1     (Priority)
2577796  cosmos     test             hakdemir        5-00:00:00   5-00:00:00   2021-12-10T11:08:13  PD  1      1     (Priority)
2577797  cosmos     test             hakdemir        5-00:00:00   5-00:00:00   2021-12-10T11:08:13  PD  1      1     (Priority)
2577798  cosmos     test             hakdemir        5-00:00:00   5-00:00:00   2021-12-10T11:08:13  PD  1      1     (Priority)
2577799  cosmos     test             hakdemir        5-00:00:00   5-00:00:00   2021-12-10T11:08:13  PD  1      1     (Priority)
2577800  cosmos     test             hakdemir        5-00:00:00   5-00:00:00   2021-12-10T11:08:13  PD  1      1     (Priority)
2577801  cosmos     test             hakdemir        5-00:00:00   5-00:00:00   2021-12-10T11:08:13  PD  1      1     (Priority)
2577802  cosmos     test             hakdemir        5-00:00:00   5-00:00:00   2021-12-10T11:08:13  PD  1      1     (Priority)
2577803  cosmos     test             hakdemir        5-00:00:00   5-00:00:00   2021-12-10T11:08:13  PD  1      1     (Priority)
2577804  cosmos     test             hakdemir        5-00:00:00   5-00:00:00   2021-12-10T11:08:13  PD  1      1     (Priority)
2577805  cosmos     test             hakdemir        5-00:00:00   5-00:00:00   2021-12-10T11:08:13  PD  1      1     (Priority)
2577806  cosmos     test             hakdemir        5-00:00:00   5-00:00:00   2021-12-10T11:08:13  PD  1      1     (Priority)
2577807  cosmos     test             hakdemir        5-00:00:00   5-00:00:00   2021-12-10T11:08:13  PD  1      1     (Priority)
2577808  cosmos     test             hakdemir        5-00:00:00   5-00:00:00   2021-12-10T11:08:13  PD  1      1     (Priority)
2577809  cosmos     test             hakdemir        5-00:00:00   5-00:00:00   2021-12-10T11:08:13  PD  1      1     (Priority)
2577810  cosmos     test             hakdemir        5-00:00:00   5-00:00:00   2021-12-10T11:08:13  PD  1      1     (Priority)
2577811  cosmos     test             hakdemir        5-00:00:00   5-00:00:00   2021-12-10T11:08:13  PD  1      1     (Priority)
2577812  cosmos     test             hakdemir        5-00:00:00   5-00:00:00   2021-12-10T11:08:13  PD  1      1     (Priority)
2577813  cosmos     test             hakdemir        5-00:00:00   5-00:00:00   2021-12-10T11:08:13  PD  1      1     (Priority)
2577814  cosmos     test             hakdemir        5-00:00:00   5-00:00:00   2021-12-10T11:08:13  PD  1      1     (Priority)
2577815  cosmos     test             hakdemir        5-00:00:00   5-00:00:00   2021-12-10T11:08:13  PD  1      1     (Priority)
2577816  cosmos     test             hakdemir        5-00:00:00   5-00:00:00   2021-12-10T11:08:13  PD  1      1     (Priority)
2577817  cosmos     test             hakdemir        5-00:00:00   5-00:00:00   2021-12-10T11:08:13  PD  1      1     (Priority)
2577818  cosmos     test             hakdemir        5-00:00:00   5-00:00:00   2021-12-10T11:08:13  PD  1      1     (Priority)
2577819  cosmos     test             hakdemir        5-00:00:00   5-00:00:00   2021-12-10T11:08:13  PD  1      1     (Priority)
2577820  cosmos     test             hakdemir        5-00:00:00   5-00:00:00   2021-12-10T11:08:13  PD  1      1     (Priority)
2577821  cosmos     test             hakdemir        5-00:00:00   5-00:00:00   2021-12-10T11:08:13  PD  1      1     (Priority)
2577822  cosmos     test             hakdemir        5-00:00:00   5-00:00:00   2021-12-10T11:08:13  PD  1      1     (Priority)
2577823  cosmos     test             hakdemir        5-00:00:00   5-00:00:00   2021-12-10T11:08:13  PD  1      1     (Priority)
2577824  cosmos     test             hakdemir        5-00:00:00   5-00:00:00   2021-12-10T11:08:13  PD  1      1     (Priority)
2577825  cosmos     test             hakdemir        5-00:00:00   5-00:00:00   2021-12-10T11:08:13  PD  1      1     (Priority)
2577826  cosmos     test             hakdemir        5-00:00:00   5-00:00:00   2021-12-10T11:08:13  PD  1      1     (Priority)
Command output lists information about jobs.



State Code Meaning
PENDING PD Job is awaiting resource allocation.
RUNNING R Job currently has an allocation.
SUSPENDED S Job has an allocation, but execution has been suspended.
COMPLETING CG Job is in the process of completing. Some processes on some nodes may still be active.
COMPLETED CD Job has terminated all processes on all nodes.
CONFIGURING CF  Job has been allocated resources, but are waiting for them to become ready for use
CANCELED CA Job was explicitly cancelled by the user or system administrator.

The job may or may not have been initiated.

FAILED F Job terminated with non-zero exit code or other failure condition.
TIMEOUT TO Job terminated upon reaching its time limit.
PREEMPTED PR Job has been suspended by an higher priority job on the same ressource.
NODE_FAIL NF Job terminated due to failure of one or more allocated nodes.


Note: Preempted state means that your job is killed and re-queued because of priority. Research groups donate compute nodes and they have priority on the nodes. If they submit a job and there is no resource on the node, jobs belonging to general user are killed and requeued. To avoid this, you may use IT nodes. IT (it01-it04) doesn’t have priority. Also, you can exclude nodes by exclude parameter in slurm.

NODELIST(REASON) column lists nodes running jobs. Also, it gives the reason for Jobs state.

Reason Meaning
InvalidQOS The job’s QOS is invalid.
Priority One or more higher priority jobs is in queue for running. Your job will eventually run.
Resources The job is waiting for resources to become available and will eventually run.
PartitionNodeLimit The number of nodes required by this job is outside of it’s partitions current limits. Can also indicate that required nodes are DOWN or DRAINED.
PartitionTimeLimit The job’s time limit exceeds it’s partition’s current time limit.
QOSJobLimit The job’s QOS has reached its maximum job count.
QOSResourceLimit The job’s QOS has reached some resource limit.
QOSTimeLimit The job’s QOS has reached its time limit.
QOSMaxCpuPerUserLimit Maximum number of cpus per user for your job’s QoS have been met; job will run eventually.
QOSGrpMaxJobsLimit Maximum number of jobs for your job’s QoS have been met; job will run eventually.
QOSGrpCpuLimit All CPUs assigned to your job’s specified QoS are in use; job will run eventually.
QOSGrpNodeLimit All nodes assigned to your job’s specified QoS are in use; job will run eventually.


Check all Reasons codes in following link.

Note: Most often you encounter with Priority, Resources and QOSMaxCpuPerUserLimit.