squeue: views information about jobs located in the Slurm scheduling queue.
squeue –u username
kuacc-queue : Shows Jobs details on queue. It ıs detailed version of squeue command.
kuacc-queue|grep username
(base) [yakarken18@login02 ~]$ kuacc-queue JOBID PARTITION NAME USER TIME_LEFT TIME_LIMIT START_TIME ST NODES CPUS NODELIST(REASON) 2579092 short run_custom.sh bbiner21 59:29 1:00:00 2021-12-07T12:43:32 CA 1 1 it01 2579094 short run_custom.sh bbiner21 1:00:00 1:00:00 2021-12-07T12:45:32 CD 1 1 it01 2579090 mid bash igenel19 23:59:36 1-00:00:00 2021-12-07T12:41:29 CD 1 2 buyukliman 2579034 long Il-gas phaslak 6-22:57:38 7-00:00:00 2021-12-07T11:44:06 CD 1 4 rk01 2577763 cosmos test hakdemir 4-22:26:02 5-00:00:00 2021-12-07T11:10:06 CD 1 1 ke01 2577644 cosmos test hakdemir 4-17:55:23 5-00:00:00 2021-12-07T06:39:24 CD 1 1 ke03 2577553 cosmos test hakdemir 4-09:57:50 5-00:00:00 2021-12-06T22:39:30 CD 1 1 ke04 2577892 cosmos test hakdemir 4-05:11:55 5-00:00:00 2021-12-06T17:57:04 CD 1 1 ke08 2576427 mid hph_D119V sefenti19 23:59:00 23:59:00 2021-12-15T05:43:42 PD 1 8 (Resources) 2576424 mid hph_G120V sefenti19 23:59:00 23:59:00 2021-12-10T13:42:41 PD 1 8 (ReqNodeNotAvail, UnavailableNodes:) 2577787 cosmos test hakdemir 5-00:00:00 5-00:00:00 2021-12-10T11:08:13 PD 1 1 (Resources) 2577788 cosmos test hakdemir 5-00:00:00 5-00:00:00 2021-12-10T11:08:13 PD 1 1 (Priority) 2577789 cosmos test hakdemir 5-00:00:00 5-00:00:00 2021-12-10T11:08:13 PD 1 1 (Priority) 2577790 cosmos test hakdemir 5-00:00:00 5-00:00:00 2021-12-10T11:08:13 PD 1 1 (Priority) 2577791 cosmos test hakdemir 5-00:00:00 5-00:00:00 2021-12-10T11:08:13 PD 1 1 (Priority) 2577792 cosmos test hakdemir 5-00:00:00 5-00:00:00 2021-12-10T11:08:13 PD 1 1 (Priority) 2577793 cosmos test hakdemir 5-00:00:00 5-00:00:00 2021-12-10T11:08:13 PD 1 1 (Priority) 2577794 cosmos test hakdemir 5-00:00:00 5-00:00:00 2021-12-10T11:08:13 PD 1 1 (Priority) 2577795 cosmos test hakdemir 5-00:00:00 5-00:00:00 2021-12-10T11:08:13 PD 1 1 (Priority) 2577796 cosmos test hakdemir 5-00:00:00 5-00:00:00 2021-12-10T11:08:13 PD 1 1 (Priority) 2577797 cosmos test hakdemir 5-00:00:00 5-00:00:00 2021-12-10T11:08:13 PD 1 1 (Priority) 2577798 cosmos test hakdemir 5-00:00:00 5-00:00:00 2021-12-10T11:08:13 PD 1 1 (Priority) 2577799 cosmos test hakdemir 5-00:00:00 5-00:00:00 2021-12-10T11:08:13 PD 1 1 (Priority) 2577800 cosmos test hakdemir 5-00:00:00 5-00:00:00 2021-12-10T11:08:13 PD 1 1 (Priority) 2577801 cosmos test hakdemir 5-00:00:00 5-00:00:00 2021-12-10T11:08:13 PD 1 1 (Priority) 2577802 cosmos test hakdemir 5-00:00:00 5-00:00:00 2021-12-10T11:08:13 PD 1 1 (Priority) 2577803 cosmos test hakdemir 5-00:00:00 5-00:00:00 2021-12-10T11:08:13 PD 1 1 (Priority) 2577804 cosmos test hakdemir 5-00:00:00 5-00:00:00 2021-12-10T11:08:13 PD 1 1 (Priority) 2577805 cosmos test hakdemir 5-00:00:00 5-00:00:00 2021-12-10T11:08:13 PD 1 1 (Priority) 2577806 cosmos test hakdemir 5-00:00:00 5-00:00:00 2021-12-10T11:08:13 PD 1 1 (Priority) 2577807 cosmos test hakdemir 5-00:00:00 5-00:00:00 2021-12-10T11:08:13 PD 1 1 (Priority) 2577808 cosmos test hakdemir 5-00:00:00 5-00:00:00 2021-12-10T11:08:13 PD 1 1 (Priority) 2577809 cosmos test hakdemir 5-00:00:00 5-00:00:00 2021-12-10T11:08:13 PD 1 1 (Priority) 2577810 cosmos test hakdemir 5-00:00:00 5-00:00:00 2021-12-10T11:08:13 PD 1 1 (Priority) 2577811 cosmos test hakdemir 5-00:00:00 5-00:00:00 2021-12-10T11:08:13 PD 1 1 (Priority) 2577812 cosmos test hakdemir 5-00:00:00 5-00:00:00 2021-12-10T11:08:13 PD 1 1 (Priority) 2577813 cosmos test hakdemir 5-00:00:00 5-00:00:00 2021-12-10T11:08:13 PD 1 1 (Priority) 2577814 cosmos test hakdemir 5-00:00:00 5-00:00:00 2021-12-10T11:08:13 PD 1 1 (Priority) 2577815 cosmos test hakdemir 5-00:00:00 5-00:00:00 2021-12-10T11:08:13 PD 1 1 (Priority) 2577816 cosmos test hakdemir 5-00:00:00 5-00:00:00 2021-12-10T11:08:13 PD 1 1 (Priority) 2577817 cosmos test hakdemir 5-00:00:00 5-00:00:00 2021-12-10T11:08:13 PD 1 1 (Priority) 2577818 cosmos test hakdemir 5-00:00:00 5-00:00:00 2021-12-10T11:08:13 PD 1 1 (Priority) 2577819 cosmos test hakdemir 5-00:00:00 5-00:00:00 2021-12-10T11:08:13 PD 1 1 (Priority) 2577820 cosmos test hakdemir 5-00:00:00 5-00:00:00 2021-12-10T11:08:13 PD 1 1 (Priority) 2577821 cosmos test hakdemir 5-00:00:00 5-00:00:00 2021-12-10T11:08:13 PD 1 1 (Priority) 2577822 cosmos test hakdemir 5-00:00:00 5-00:00:00 2021-12-10T11:08:13 PD 1 1 (Priority) 2577823 cosmos test hakdemir 5-00:00:00 5-00:00:00 2021-12-10T11:08:13 PD 1 1 (Priority) 2577824 cosmos test hakdemir 5-00:00:00 5-00:00:00 2021-12-10T11:08:13 PD 1 1 (Priority) 2577825 cosmos test hakdemir 5-00:00:00 5-00:00:00 2021-12-10T11:08:13 PD 1 1 (Priority) 2577826 cosmos test hakdemir 5-00:00:00 5-00:00:00 2021-12-10T11:08:13 PD 1 1 (Priority)
State | Code | Meaning |
PENDING | PD | Job is awaiting resource allocation. |
RUNNING | R | Job currently has an allocation. |
SUSPENDED | S | Job has an allocation, but execution has been suspended. |
COMPLETING | CG | Job is in the process of completing. Some processes on some nodes may still be active. |
COMPLETED | CD | Job has terminated all processes on all nodes. |
CONFIGURING | CF | Job has been allocated resources, but are waiting for them to become ready for use |
CANCELED | CA | Job was explicitly cancelled by the user or system administrator.
The job may or may not have been initiated. |
FAILED | F | Job terminated with non-zero exit code or other failure condition. |
TIMEOUT | TO | Job terminated upon reaching its time limit. |
PREEMPTED | PR | Job has been suspended by an higher priority job on the same ressource. |
NODE_FAIL | NF | Job terminated due to failure of one or more allocated nodes. |
Note: Preempted state means that your job is killed and re-queued because of priority. Research groups donate compute nodes and they have priority on the nodes. If they submit a job and there is no resource on the node, jobs belonging to general user are killed and requeued. To avoid this, you may use IT nodes. IT (it01-it04) doesn’t have priority. Also, you can exclude nodes by exclude parameter in slurm.
NODELIST(REASON) column lists nodes running jobs. Also, it gives the reason for Jobs state.
Reason | Meaning |
InvalidQOS | The job’s QOS is invalid. |
Priority | One or more higher priority jobs is in queue for running. Your job will eventually run. |
Resources | The job is waiting for resources to become available and will eventually run. |
PartitionNodeLimit | The number of nodes required by this job is outside of it’s partitions current limits. Can also indicate that required nodes are DOWN or DRAINED. |
PartitionTimeLimit | The job’s time limit exceeds it’s partition’s current time limit. |
QOSJobLimit | The job’s QOS has reached its maximum job count. |
QOSResourceLimit | The job’s QOS has reached some resource limit. |
QOSTimeLimit | The job’s QOS has reached its time limit. |
QOSMaxCpuPerUserLimit | Maximum number of cpus per user for your job’s QoS have been met; job will run eventually. |
QOSGrpMaxJobsLimit | Maximum number of jobs for your job’s QoS have been met; job will run eventually. |
QOSGrpCpuLimit | All CPUs assigned to your job’s specified QoS are in use; job will run eventually. |
QOSGrpNodeLimit | All nodes assigned to your job’s specified QoS are in use; job will run eventually. |
Check all Reasons codes in following link. https://slurm.schedmd.com/squeue.html#lbAF
Note: Most often you encounter with Priority, Resources and QOSMaxCpuPerUserLimit.