2236 – Co-Funded Brain Circulation Scheme2 (CoCirculation2)

Program Details


Full-time faculty, Research faculty, and Postdoctoral fellow positions for the AI-Center are considered under this call. Koc University has extensive experience in preparation of the Tubitak 2236 proposals. Please find a potential host (faculty member) from the AI-Center and then contact Mr. Emrah Goker (EGOKER@ku.edu.tr) for the details of the program and the steps of proposal preparation.

Open Calls


2232-A International Fellowship for Outstanding Researchers and 2232-B International Fellowship for Early Stage Researchers

Program Details


Visiting faculty, Research faculty, and Postdoctoral fellow positions for the AI-Center are considered under this call. Koc University has extensive experience in preparation of the Tubitak 2232 proposals. Please find a potential host (faculty member) from the AI-Center and then contact Mr. Emrah Goker (EGOKER@ku.edu.tr) for the details of the program and the steps of proposal preparation.

Open Calls
