Title: Deep Learning for Medical Image Analysis

Faculty: Çiğdem Gündüz Demir (cgunduz@ku.edu.tr)


The Koç University İşbank Artificial Intelligence (KUIS AI) is looking for exceptional candidates for a postdoctoral position in medical image analysis. The successful candidate will be involved in a number of interdisciplinary projects that have been conducted with close collaboration with the Department of Computer Engineering and School of Medicine.

The successful candidate will have the opportunity to conduct innovative research in the following fields:

  1. Innovative designs of deep neural networks for different segmentation tasks in pathology, radiology, and ophthalmology,
  2. Innovative designs of deep neural networks that benefit from the prior knowledge on the task domain in their designs, for digital pathology and cell microscopy tasks, and
  3. Correlating the outcomes of the computational analysis tools that we develop with the clinical phenomena used in medicine.

This is a full-time position that will have a yearly appointment with annual renewal expected for up to three years in total. The start date for the position is flexible, but the ideal candidate is expected to begin as soon as possible.

Candidates must possess a Ph.D. degree in computer vision and/or deep learning. Applicants must have great coding skills. Experience in medical image analysis is not required but a plus.